Most lives contain a series of small crime scenes; snapshots sanitised and corrupted by selective memory.
Having found that which one can do with overpowering enthusiasm, and then found that one is not very good at that which one can do, one either persists hoping practice will perfect that which one can do, or looks for an alternative that one can do, or ceases to be one who must do.
There is no knowing, only seeing in the cool blank face of the aspirant to truth radiant in sunlight filtered through the dust of a weary worn out world.
Terror battles with awe when faced with a meaningless godless endlessly expanding universe sick with decay and entropy. No one asked to be born, to become conscious. One does what one has to do to be one who is not decaying.
Look at the small when the large overwhelms.
Hearing before seeing; smelling before hearing; tasting before feeling; seeing before smelling; hearing before tasting; feeling before hearing; seeing before feeling; smelling before feeling; tasting before smelling; hearing before smelling; feeling before smelling; seeing before tasting; smelling before seeing; hearing before feeling; tasting before hearing; smelling before tasting; feeling before seeing; tasting before seeing; feeling before tasting; seeing before hearing. All together hardly ever.
Few calculate the worth of their life within the Universe with general relativity, quantum physics, and evolution.
Weirdness dominates naturalness. No, in fact there is no naturalness. Weirdness is the universal condition.
Intelligent imagination is required for empathy, for a conscience, for a sense of regret, for acceptance of guilt, for the perfect crime.
Being ancient Egyptian sort immortality in the chaos. Chaos won.
Being ancient Greek sought order in the chaos. Marble against rubble. Chaos won.
Seed pod. Food or future.

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