Having once travelled and snapshot his travel, the agoraphobe now remembers and imagines his travels in the still quietness of his room and for the greater part finds it enough.
Hoping for a holiday away from the increasing social anxiety experienced in shops, malls, theatres, clubs and bars, the agoraphobe was horrified by the overwhelming social anxiety experienced in the travel agenda of museums, art galleries, temples, tours and hotels. So much not seen; sights and sites screened by panic.
The telephone and internet and courier are the agoraphobe's best friends. Without a telephone or internet the agoraphobe relies on someone prepared to traverse the conflagration for a bottle of milk.
Sensory overload on the smallest of outings. Repose inside.
Often said these were the best times stained with the worst times.
Ignorance and vanity are a way through ruins. The agoraphobe's panic is a way through ruins. But how when with repose and knowing something about the past achievement and knowing now is a far lesser achievement, how does one conduct one's self in order to find a way through ruins?
"It is my office, my place of business. This is how I can be here and be comfortable here. I sell the opportunity to take photos. Nothing else. So very few want anything else." - the gatekeeper.
He was there. He took snapshots. But he was not there.
She runs into the future. The future crashes into the agoraphobe.
Don't look back. Don't look left. Don't look right. Don't look up. Don't look down. And don't look forward either. Weirdness everywhere.
Wanting, so hot and tired and thirsty, but unable to enter the Temple of Coca Cola because that is how it always is for the agoraphobe.
The vanity or ignorance of the tourist able to pose before ... just one of many common occurrences that the agoraphobe could not begin to understand.
She runs into the future. The future she runs into. Into the future she runs. Runs she into the future. She into the future runs. The future into she runs. Into the future runs she. She the future into runs. The future into runs she. Into she the future runs. The into the future she runs. She runs into the future.
The agoraphobe's alphabet of images builds words sentences paragraphs chapters books libraries.
Footnoted on one of several drafts of lists of proposed residences for the agoraphobe: Essential Criteria: 1. a small secure door easily locked; 2. a high window not needing curtains, blinds or bars; 3. a telephone.
Before the throng came out he very occasionally went out early amongst the sequestered serious and singular sufferers.
In the early days conscience builds elaborate forces out of accumulated guilt and regret. The young agoraphobe is exhausted resisting the momentum to seek forgiveness and fulfilment in outings with excuses for staying home. Intelligent imagining for this time is paranoid, delusional, hallucinatory, manic, depressive and harmful.
"Sequestered" as found in a Henry James novel, this for a time he used to describe his desired and to justify his establishing state of being. The room would assume much more importance later.
With sequestration secured within the agoraphobe's room remembered moments simplify and merge. The too many snapshots become a manageable handful of motifs. Or so he thought.
Colonnade beach platform street; layers layered; dialogues fusing in the narrowing monologue of the agoraphobe.
All seen in the chaos of an outing and the stillness of a sequestration.
Chatter, dialogue, and then monologue. The hard work to become good company for yourself. The hard work to remain good company for yourself. Of course, there was also the hard work in building acceptable excuses and hidden persuasions used to maintain and direct the shrinking network of his last room, private but always, always pregnable.
Amongst the gaudy architectures that spoke of loud and frenzied social interactions the yet to become agoraphobe so very occasionally found a room that outlined the ruins of another agoraphobe's intensely circumscribed and vulnerable life.
Tragedy. As cultures decay, social contracts disintegrate and trust crumbles, vanity and ignorance increases.
Rule #5: The agoraphobe's last outing always strengthens the agoraphobe's agoraphobia.